Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring Fever

Another snowy weekend, but I'm not surrendering I know Spring is just around the corner and just a few blocks away now. The horses are beginning to shed their winter coats out and this morning the birds were singing so I know that it won't be long now.

Visions of riding in the warm spring sunshine are dancing in our heads. I'm thinking it's time for spring cleaning in the tack room. Get that winter dust off that tack so it's all cleaned and oiled for that first ride. Get that shedding blade and curry comb ready to start shedding those winter coats out. I know under all that hair and mud is beautiful sleek summer coat waiting to come out.

Let's get those winter blankets washed and put away for the year. Let's pull those tank heaters out and put those heated buckets away for the year. We need to start thinking about  long summer evenings for training and trail riding. Get out those calendars and start penciling in those show dates or the dates of those endurance rides. Start connecting with those trail riding buddies it won't be long until it's time to hit the trail again.

Spring fever is here and let's go with it. Let's not surrender to winter we know that in few weeks it will be a bitter cold memory and we can start complaining about the fact it's too hot to ride.

Happy Trails

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