Marc Rolph, UMMC associate director of public affairs, said the
children's hospital had been affiliated with the horse show for almost a 
decade. Robert Taylor, president of the Mississippi Charity Horse Show, 
said the event has contributed about $250,000 to the children's
hospital over the years.
On March 4, the UMMC administration issued a written statement
 declining further donations drawn from the show's proceeds.
“After careful reflection, the administration of Batson Children's Hospital has
asked the organizers of the Mississippi Charity Horse Show to discontinue
donating proceeds of the event to the hospital for the benefit of its patients,
” the UMMC written statement said. “We are grateful for the generous support
 of the charity horse show over the last several years. This support has included
not only monetary contributions, but also opportunities for patients under our
care to be involved.
“Although we are comfortable the Mississippi show complies with all
applicable laws for the protection of horses, the national controversy
 over the way Tennessee Walking Horses are trained and handled—
particularly those that perform in the 'Big Lick' style—has brought us to this decision,
” the statement continued. “We are not in a position to evaluate the strongly
held beliefs and assertions on either side of this issue, so our decision is
intended to remove the children's hospital from controversy.”
Taylor said he was disappointed with the hospital's decision, but believes
 the hospital administration's statement was fair.
Meanwhile, Teresa Bippen, president of Friends of Sound Horses (FOSH),
 said the decision to decline proceeds from the charity show must have
been a difficult one, “however, FOSH feels that university officials realized
there was no win for them receiving proceeds from a Big Lick horse show.”
Walter Chism, acting executive director of the Tennessee Walking
Horse Breeders  and Exhibitors Association, said, "Many of the children (at the hospital) have never had the opportunity to interact with a horse and may never 
again have theopportunity. The loss to the kids is not quantifiable on a balance sheet but it is a loss just the same. ... The only losers in this situation are the kids. For that, we are disappointed.
"While the opponents (of padded walking horse shows) have a right to
their opinion, they do not have the right to attack kids or distort the truth,”
 he concluded.
The Mississippi Charity Horse Show is slated to take place March 26-28 in Jackson.